Asbestos and Health work
Asbestos is found naturally in the form of silicate-fiber serpentine (chrysotile) or amfibol (crocidolite, amosite, and anthophyllite).
Characteristics: Highly resistant to high temperature, pressure, and acid, but these properties vary according to the type of asbestos. Janis serpentine can be woven into clothing.
Usage: Many and varied, including asbestos cement, building materials and insulation, retaining brakes, and some fire-resistant equipment.
Metabolism: Stimulate severe and irreversible fibrosis in the body tissues.
Asbestos and mesothelioma Relations
The effect on health depends on the size of the fiber (length <5 / 1000 mm, diameter <3 / 1000 mm). Asbestos can cause chronic lung disease (asbestose), lung cancer, and mesothelioma (lining of the chest and abdominal tumor). Duration of time between contacts of asbestos until the disease appears is between 20-40 years. The more young people, the longer the loading of asbestos and the higher the concentration, so the higher the risk of occurrence of the disease.
Asbestosis: definitions, Clinical, Diagnosis and Management of
Asbestosis is a chronic fibrosis interstitialis spread in lung parenchyma due to inhaling asbestos fibers. Examples of other lung diseases related to asbestos are pleural plaques and calcification, lung cancer, and malignant mesotheliomas. This disease may be associated with asbestos, maybe not.
Mesothelioma Cancer, Asbestos and Industrial
Pleural mesotheliomas is a rare type of cancer. Increased incidence of mesotheliomas associated with the inhalation of asbestos fibers in the working environment. Although initially symptoms slightly, mesotheliomas can be cured if successfully diagnosed.
Asbestos on Human Health Hazards
Asbestos is widely used for the manufacture of roof (tile) and insulation, asbestos cement, brake linings, electrical devices, and fire-resistant materials and packing materials. Asbestos is the common name of a group of natural silicates which will split into flexible fibers.
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