

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Google Sandbox or Deindex Effect

What is Google sandbox effect? What domain characteristics affected by the sandbox and how to prevent and overcome them. SEO tutorial, in this time I discussed the “What is that Google sandbox effect and how do I fix it?” A topic that may be much discussed by the blogger or webmaster, where the term is very often we hear as a frightening specter. Because the domain or blog so we get from the Google sandbox, then a very drastic change will occur on our blog…. Especially the traffic and page index on our blog will disappear from Google all of a sudden!

According to information available on Wikipedia means:

The Sandbox (a.k.a. Sandboxing or the sandbox effect or the Google penalty) is a name given to an observation about the way Google ranks web pages in its index. It is the subject of much debate—its existence has been written about[1][2] but not confirmed and several observers state that they have observed the contrary.

Discussion regarding the Google Sandbox effect began to arise in early 2004.

According to the sandbox effect, links which may normally be weighted by Google’s ranking algorithm, not least improving the position of a webpage in Google’s index, may be subjected to filtering to prevent their having a full impact. Some observations have suggested that two important factors for causing this filter to come into play are the active age of a domain, and the competitiveness of the keywords used in links.

Active age of a domain should not be confused with the date of registration on a domain’s WHOIS record, but instead refers to the time when Google first indexed pages on the domain. Keyword competitiveness refers to the search frequency of a word on Google search, with observation suggesting that the higher the search frequency of a word, the increasing likelihood that the sandbox filter effect will come into play.

While the presence of the Google Sandbox has been long debated, Google has made no abject disclosure on the matter. However, as the sandbox effect almost certainly refers to a set of filters in play for anti-spam purposes, it is unlikely Google would ever provide details on the matter.

Google has long been aware that its historical use of links as a “vote” for ranking web documents can be subject to manipulation, and stated such in its original IPO documentation. Over the years Google has filed a number of patents that seek to qualify or minimise the impact of such manipulation, which Google terms as “link spam”.

Link spam is primarily driven by self interested search engine optimizers attempt to manipulate Google’s page ranking by creating lots of inbound links to a new web site from other web sites that they own. Some SEO experts also claim that the sandbox only applies to highly competitive or broad keyword phrases, and can be counteracted by targeting narrow, or so-called long-tail phrases.

A “reverse sandbox” effect is also claimed to exist, whereby new pages with good content, but without inbound links, are temporarily increased in rank—much like the “New Releases” in a book store are displayed more prominently—to encourage organic building of the World Wide Web

From the description above we can conclude that Google gives punishment to the naughty blog, one that does not care about the rules the search engine in search algorithms, and a ballpark … Google does not want to index your blog again so that our blog will not appear on Google search page.

Although Google himself never made an official term sandbox, but the word is already widely known among webmasters around the world. The extent I can conclude that the blogs that get “stamped” This will have a profound effect on the domain of the blog in question.

What are the characteristics of a domain or blog hit Google sandbox?

The characteristics of the simplest of the domain or blog is a decrease in traffic or visitors who come to our blog via search engines or organic search drastically or even disappear altogether from the Google search page.

For websites or sites or community forums manifold this is not a problem, as visitors or traffic that comes is from the Returning visitor (customer/consumer/user/member) …., But for a blog that visitors rely on organic search from Google … then this is like a curse because we will not get any more traffic from Google.

Tips to find out whether a domain or blog hit Google sandbox effect, we can use the following way on the main page search Google:

* url: your domain name -> example: url:
* write your domain or blog instantly -> example:
* Writing specifically link your blog post -> example: url:
* Or….. Directly write your blog post url directly without using the additional “url:” as above.

If the four methods above have you tried and your domain appears on the search pages … means your blog fine. Conversely … if the 4 ways above do not bring up a domain name or your blog, then 99% can be sure that you are exposed Google sandbox blog, or deindexed (no longer indexed by Google).

For those of you who use blackhat SEO, you probably already guessed it sooner or later will happen. As for those of you who feel cheated or never play whitehat seo would have to wonder how this could happen overwrite your domain or blog?

In general, from information submitted by Wikipedia, this can happen to anyone … .., and one of the causes of Google does not (want to) our blog index and apply the sandbox are:

Do not follow or openly (or secretly) violates the TOS of Google searches, such as: the use of code / script that aims only to bring traffic instantly and only intended for the robot (crawler) only, dummy blog (spam blogs) and automatic content creation, or better known as the AGC (Auto Generated Content)

Too many inbound links or links that point to your blog, while age is still a new domain or blog. Note: this does not apply if the inbox come from authority sites.

Content/articles that exist in your blog post more than 50% is the result of copying from another source without you provide the url where the article originated.

For a while an article about “Google Sandbox or Deindex Effect” Will be continued in my next SEO tutorial


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