

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Asbestosis: definitions, Clinical, Diagnosis and Management of

Asbestosis: definitions, Clinical, Diagnosis and Management of

Asbestosis is a chronic fibrosis interstitialis spread in lung parenchyma due to inhaling asbestos fibers. Examples of other lung diseases related to asbestos are pleural plaques and calcification, lung cancer, and malignant mesotheliomas. This disease may be associated with asbestos, maybe not.

Jobs at risk

The degree of exposure to high asbestos may arise in the manufacture of products made from asbestos cement, mining, and processing of asbestos fibers, building demolition and renovation of buildings by removing material made from asbestos, insulation work such as boiler plating, replacement of furnace insulation, etc.. Other workers are exposed, including a mechanic who replace brake fluid, workers who make asbestos gaskets, repair and maintenance workers in shipyards, oil refineries, power stations, and construction workers.

Clinical features

Patients with asbestosis usually come with shortness of breath during activity and clinical batuk.Temuan including dispnoe, krepitasi in basal lung, and finger percussion. Lung X-ray examination showed extensive fibrosis interstitialis, evidenced by the shadow-striped opaque in the middle lung field and basalt on both sides of the lung. The possibility of pleural plaque. Lung function showed a picture constraints and reduced DLCO.

Flak pleura associated with exposure to ashes found mainly in the parietal pleura. Calcification, if any, may be associated with long terjadinva lesions. Plaque can be clustered or spread. Kebanvakan evidence suggests that in the absence of asbestosis or thickening is widespread, there is no correlation between pleural plaques are isolated with a significant worsening of obstacles. Must address pat that patients with extensive pleural thickening mempunvai reduced lung volumes and respiratory resistance adanva some evidence, acceptable. Extensive pleural thickening can be distinguished by a limited pleural thickening with loss angle kostofrenikus on lung X-ray examination. It seems there is no direct relationship between pleural plaque with the development of mesotheliomas.

Small airway dysfunction (SAD) may be associated with exposure to asbestos. Trapped air from SAD can explain the occurrence of some reduction in vital capacity in asbestos-exposed workers with normal FEVWFVC ratio.

The development of bronchial cancer in asbestos-exposed workers appear to be associated with exposure dose. It is associated with various types of asbestos fiber, chrysotile misalnva, anthophylite, crocidolite, and amosite. There is an increased risk of lung cancer was significant in asbestos workers who smoke adanva suggesting synergistic effects. Cancer was mainly squamous cell or adenocarcinoma types. Asbestosis and lung cancer often occur together because both are associated with exposure dose.

Exposure to asbestos in the workplace plays a part as much as 85% of cases of malignant mesotheliomas. Generally, it can be accepted that exposure to crocidolite provide a much greater risk than exposure to chrysotile. This risk is apparently not related to levels of asbestos are inhaled because this risk can be found in subjects with or without asbestosis as Halm: a person who is only exposed on the environment and not exposed to the job. The average latent period of about 35 to 40 years. Asbestos can cause mesotheliomas in the pleura or the peritoneum. Complaints experienced by patients with mesotheliomas in the pleura is chest pain and shortness of breath. Shortness of breath is progressive and is associated with the insistence of tumors in lung or pleural effusion. Patients with peritoneal mesotheliomas in dating with widespread abdominal pain, swelling, and decreased weight of the material.

The clinical features, lung X-ray images, and history of previous exposure to asbestos will direct the diagnosis of asbestosis or other illnesses associated with asbestos. A biopsy is needed to confirm the diagnosis of malignant disease. Sometimes, difficult membeciakan malignant mesotheliomas and metastatic adenocarcinoma on histological picture. History of exposure to asbestos should always be sought for all cases of pleural effusion. The existence of asbestos granules in sputum or lung tissue showed the existence of exposure but not the diseases caused by asbestos.

Management of
Asbestosis, like silicosis, can develop even when removed from exposure. Treatment is symptomatic. Precautions action starts from asbestos substitution of other materials, the closure of processing locations, installation of local ventilation, and respiratory protection. Patients who have been exposed are advised to stop smoking to reduce the combined effect of the lung and lung cancer risk.

BA Medical Practice Job 1 By J. ed Jeyaratnam & David Koh



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